The innovative approach to solar energy is our way of life. We are solar artists. Joseph Tan
Facade Solar PV System (Wall Mounted Solar Installation - BAPV / BIPV)Compliance with Clause 10.2.2b

Challenges Of Constructing Wall Mounted Solar PV Systems On Building Facade
Solar photovoltaic systems are often installed on roofs to generate energy for buildings. However, the ability of solar systems to use renewable energy for neighbourhood services is currently limited by the space available on building roofs
Wall mounted solar photovoltaics (PV) on building facades or cladding (BIPV / BAPV) has the potential to overcome constraints imposed by limited roof space and various authoritative regulations. The installation area is distributed by the additional façade, which significantly increases the building’s power generation capacity to meet the building’s energy needs and provides protection from the weather. The application of photovoltaic technology on the vertical facade wall mounted of buildings is considered an integral part of building integrated photovoltaics. This will primarily reduce installations on the east and west facades, where there are fewer or no windows. Due to the diurnal cycle, this also reduces the overall power generation, as typically only one facade at a time will be widely exposed to sunlight.
Despite potential advantages in terms of aesthetic design, solar gain, and lighting, optimizing the performance of wall-mounted PV systems (Façade) in urban areas remains difficult. Two of the bigger challenges in designing and developing such systems are: 1) minimizing losses from shading from nearby structures, and 2) reducing reflected light that causes sun glare problems. Careful planning is critical to constructing a vertical solar PV system that can overcome such challenges and maximize the energy generated by the system, and cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is also one of the main considerations.